
OPALS Screen Displays

 Accolades for OPALS

Library Perceptions 2024: Results of the 17th International Survey of Library Automation

As has been the case for many years past, OPALS has been consistently lauded by our clients for offering the best ILS on the market in terms of reliability, technical support, as well as cost effectiveness. The latest results were published in the 2024 international survey of library automation from the librarytechnology.org website. OPALS was again singled out for receiving highest scores in every single category among school libraries, AND, scored highest among small academic libraries.

Judges award OPALS the MLA Platinum Award 

Below you will find our full report scores from the 2024 Survey Report, many responder narrative comments and more information about OPALS’ 2024 Modern Library Award.

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Library Perceptions 2024: Results of the 17th International Survey of Library Automation

by Marshall Breeding, April 17, 2022.


“ This fifteenth edition of the survey received 2,790 responses. The 43,049 cumulative responses received since 2007 document interesting and important trends related to key technology products and vendors. Each annual survey provides a snapshot of the perceived capabilities of each product, and extends ongoing trendlines of performance. The satisfaction ratings and narrative comments gauge library reactions surrounding the broader events in the industry, such as consolidation, open source initiatives, and the decline of legacy products. Open source products are a routine option in all library sectors.  OPALS used mostly in school and small academic libraries, earns superlative scores.”

“The open source OPALS ILS (full product report and narrative comments) implemented primarily in school libraries (chart of implementations by library type), received its usual enthusiastic response, with 252 libraries using OPALS completing the survey. OPALS was developed and supported by Media Flex, Inc.”

“OPALS received top ratings in all categories by libraries serving PreK-12 Schools: Overall satisfaction (8.90), ILS functionality (8.79), print functionality (8.93), electronic resource functionality (8.10), and company loyalty (8.76). OPALS also received top ratings in all categories for small academic libraries.”

OPALS 2024 Survey Results

Survey Responders’ Comments

Maintained by Marshall Breeding – Copyright 1999-2022

2022 Modern Library Awards 

OPALS wins the MLA Platinum Award based on judges’ survey responses.

The 2022 Modern Library Awards (MLAs) is proud to announce its review scores from participating companies in this special supplement to Library Products & Services News. The MLAs are an unbiased program recognizing the elite products and services that serve the library industry. Companies provided concise write-ups of their products/services and submitted them for review. These were then sent out to the LibraryWorks readership — librarians in public, academic, K-12, and special libraries — who then submitted their reviews on a 1-10 scoring system. Each judge had to have had experience with the product or service, and each participating company also had to provide at least four references of library placements to submit their forms. The LibraryWorks staff had no influence on the scoring. Awards were based on the following scores:
 6.5-7.4 Silver 7.5-8.4 Gold 8.5-10.0 Platinum Highest Overall Scores – Product of the Year and Service of the Year

Click here for our Facebook page to read more comments from customers as well as to see photos and get news on our latest developments and events.


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