Streaming video

OPALS Screen Displays

Streaming Video

OPALS technology can integrate cataloging of and access to video resources. Libraries serving school, academic, special and public library communities can source and integrate video resources from a number of providers and platforms. Let our consultants know your preferred video resource sources, and we will work with you to integrate access to them.

Here are some contextual possibilities and examples:

ex. National Film Board of Canada

Libraries can subscribe to the National Film Board of Canada’s collection of video streaming resources. Library members can search an OPALS catalog, discover video (… and other digital resources), click on a desired video resource, authenticate (…a number of authentication options available) and view a selected resource 24/7.


1.       Catalog Query – Video Resource Retrieval – Click Desired Resource:


 2.       Authenticate:


 3.       View Video Resource:



OPALS Video Streaming – Portal Utility

OPALS portals are a library’s virtual “department store window” providing an overview of information products and services. Portal utilities enable libraries to add multimedia resources to a main page, “window display” as well as on topically tabbed pages. OPALS instructors can show you how to use these integrated tools to feed timely programming to your very own library information broadcasting station.

Add Video Clips to OPALS Library Portal


Use OPALS Templated Portal Utilities to Insert Videos – No programmer expertise required

DPS – Subscription Database Manager Integration

It is also possible to add video resource subscription databases to OPALS “DPS” single login / authentication listings, used by thousands of libraries to simplify authentication to all their databases.  OPALS consultants can work with you and these services to implement this model.

ex. “SNAP” – DPS Integration

Some consortia use “SNAP” to manage a variety of video resources databases and services.  By integrating media content with all other library information resources makes it easier for learning communities to discover and use them.


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